Remembering Charlie Stocker
It is difficult to think of doing the work of WIA without Charlie as our President and team member going forward. Charlie spent his time serving his community and was a pillar of the west side of Evansville. He was a true friend and a dedicated westsider. His love for people and his community was displayed through his daily actions. A true servant leader and often one of the first to arrive at workdays, Charlie and his fellow co-chairs of the WIA Parks Committee always made it fun work in the dirt, no matter the season.
Charlie always had a smile to offer and always made a point to welcome newcomers. He always had an encouraging word for others as we worked together to spruce up Helfrich Gateway Garden, pick up trash along a trail, manage many loads of mulch, and oversee what seemed to be a never-ending supply of tulips for planting.
As we remember our friend, neighbor, and Westside Improvement Association President, Mr. Charlie Stocker, remember with us his dedicated servant’s heart and his warm smile that could light up the entire west side.
Thank you, Charlie, for being WIA’s 2021 Board President. We will honor you with continuing the work of improving Evansville’s west side.